- CarFax -

Autonomous Platforms for All Vehicles

"Traffic lights would not be necessary if city mobility was designed with 21st century technology."


Leveraging the full capacity of the existing city infastructure ensures minimal delays in traffic and may allow higher speed limits. In some instances, speed limits and traffic lights may not be required at all.


Eliminating humans from the equation dramatically reduces the risk of an accident to zero. All CarFax vehicles are autonomous and synchronised. Thus every action of each vehicle is planned and always 100% safe.


Zero emissions on high-capacity urban roads. In the CarFax area, all vehicles are converted to electric as soon as they enter the platform. This leads to reduced pollution in the big cities.

The CarFax Paradox

Fast = Efficient

No stop-and-go traffic. No acceleration-braking cycles that consume resources (fuel, engine, brake pads, tires) in conventional vehicles. Traffic lights will be a nuisance of the past.

Safe = Economical

Reduced risk of incidents significantly lowers the price of insurance polices. Transport vehicles designed for CarFax transport do not require expensive safety features like airbags and radar systems.

Green = Affordable

Dedicated, fully automated charging and maintenance stations guarantee lower costs per traveled distance than any existing mass produced car with a combustion, electric or hybrid engine.

Direct Public Transport

Individually calculated routes support public transport without transfer delays. No transfer stations are required thus allowing people to better spend their time without interruption.

Win Back Travel Time

We often consider our commuting as lost time. The CarFax system chauffeurs the driver and all passengers. Commuting on CarFax is fully autonomous allowing people to spend time to communicate with colleagues, friends, or just relax.

Forget Parking

Parking is a huge overhead. Using CarFax, the driver can just exit the car as close as possible to the destination. CarFax deals with the rest and hails the car, when requested. It's better than having a chauffeur.

Car-Free Streets

Quite simply there is more space for people and green space in the city. Gone is unnecessary infrastructure like traffic lights, and no parked cars will be in the way.

Autonomous Delivery

Private deliveries and small commercial deliveries are done autonomously. Preferably, this is performed outside the peak hours utilizing unused CarFax platforms. This is an inexpensive and environmentally-friendly way for on-time deliveries without additional traffic.

Questions and Answers

How many CarFax platforms are required?

The integration process begins with as few as 10 to 100 CarFax platforms to cover one main street with a couple of intersections. Expanding it to full coverage requires 1 platform per 100 vehicles registered in the city, which is approximately 7000 platforms for Munich, Germany. The larger the serviced area, the less private vehicles are needed. People can travel conveniently and privately, if desired, by the CarFax public transport. The CarFax capital expences (Capex) are quickly compensated by very low operating costs (Opex) and the huge savings from city infrastructure for greater capacity, which is no longer required.

How do the platforms communicate?

Wireless technology, which is not dependent on radio waves, is applied in conjunction with wired supporting infrastructure. High reliability and security of the network is guaranteed.

Where can people cross the streets?

Crossing the street would remain unchanged when compared to conventional city transport: Cross walks, traffic lights, intersections. The system monitors the serviced areas and ensures crossing the more safe than ever.

Big vehicles do not fit the platforms. What about them?

They are permitted to drive on the CarFax streets. The CarFax system monitors position and direction of the large vehicles and they are considered by all nearby CarFax platforms.

How is my car secured on the CarFax platform?

Visit the CarFax Forum to learn more.

Is there a centralised control center for all platforms?

No, there is no centralised control center. The system is as decentralised much like individual drivers.